In an era where individual well-being and collective health are top priority, it is more important than ever that everyone take on the challenge of leading a purposeful and healthy life. Being purposeful with your healthcare means something different to everyone and South Health District is here to help you figure out what it means for you.
Whether through immunizations, early intervention, regular health checks, environmental health, or emergency preparedness, our new health initiative “Healthy on Purpose,” is here to help residents learn the ways that public health can help them be purposeful about their healthcare.

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Which of our services can help you find your healthcare purpose and reach your healthcare goals?
Pre/Postnatal Services
Our pre/postnatal services are focused on women who are pregnant or recently postpartum. These services help connect women with education, case management and other local resources and services to help ensure healthy pregnancy outcomes and promote healthy lifestyle choices are made for infants.
Perinatal Health Partnerships Home Visiting Program
The Perinatal Health Partnership (PHP) Program provides home visiting services during pregnancy and up to the infant’s first birthday following delivery.
Presumptive Eligibility Pregnancy Medicaid
Are you pregnant and in need of health care? You may be eligible for Medicaid right now. The mission of this program is to remove barriers of access to prenatal care.
Perinatal Programs
Perinatal Programs includes Perinatal Case Management (PCM), Presumptive Eligibility Pregnancy Medicaid, and Perinatal Planning.
Children’s Services
Our children’s services provide access to early intervention services and critical supplies for children of all ages. These programs serve children who face a variety of risk factors including low birth weight, developmental delays, low income, chronic health conditions and more.
1st Care
1st Care services are designed to assist families with premature or low birth weight infants after the infant is discharged from the hospital.
Adolescent Health & Youth Development
Adolescent Health & Youth Development provides financial, educational and instructional support for youth related activities.
Babies Can’t Wait
Georgia’s early intervention program which serves children who have significant developmental delays or children who may be at risk for delays due to a diagnosed medical condition.
Car Seat Program
Providing needy families that fall under the low income status a child safety seat with the mission to reduce the infant mortality rate.
Children 1st
Children 1st’s mission is the ensure early identification of children considered to be at risk for poor health or development and connect them to a primary healthcare provider.
Children’s Medical Services
CMS provides medical care for disabling conditions or chronic disease in children from birth to age 21.
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Maintains and supports a comprehensive, coordinated statewide screening and referral system to ensure that all Georgia newborns are screened for hearing loss at birth before discharge from the hospital.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Georgia’s supplemental nutrition program available to infants, children to age 5, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and postpartum women. Federal poverty level guidelines qualifications apply.
Women’s and Family Services
Women’s health services focus on ensuring all women have access to healthcare services including birth control, pregnancy testing, breast and cervical cancer screenings, gynecological screenings and more, no matter their income. Family services include preconception and counseling as well as our new Fatherhood Initiative which provides education and group connections for new fathers.
Birth Control
If you do not want to get pregnant, not having sex is the best protection. If you do have sex, birth control – or contraception – can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)
BCCP provides screening to detect early cancer and pre-cancers of the breast and cervix for uninsured or under insured women.
Family Planning Services
Family Planning provides services and related preventive health care to improve the health of women and men and to enable families to plan and space their children.
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy tests are available at all health departments within South Health District as part of our Family Planning Services.
Fatherhood Initiative
Focuses on fathers between the ages of 15-60 residing in Lowndes, Brooks & Echols Counties in Georgia, parenting a new born child 0-18 months years old. Participants are encouraged to attend all classes.
General Services
General services are services that benefit any and everyone. These services range from immunizations to birth and death certificates and much more. This also includes our Environmental Health Program which serves ALL Georgian’s through restaurant inspections, well and septic inspections and more, as well as our Emergency Preparedness Program which focuses on ensuring our district is prepared in the case of a public health emergency.
Immunizations and Vaccinations
Part of living a healthy lifestyle is protecting yourself from illnesses. Immunizations can help reduce absences from work, school and other events, as well as decrease the spread of illness.
Travel Immunizations
Lowndes County Health Department offers travel vaccines and is an approved Yellow Fever Vaccine site.
Birth & Death Certificates
Using the Vital Event Information System, all County Vital Records Offices now have the ability of issuing birth and death records for anyone born or who died in Georgia since 1919.
Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion
Helping to improve the health of South Georgia through awareness of chronic disease and healthy lifestyle changes.
Emergency Preparedness
The mission of the Emergency Preparedness and Response program is to assure the health and well being of the individuals and communities in the State of Georgia.
Environmental Services
The mission of Environmental Health Services is to identify, prevent and abate environmental conditions that can adversely impact human health.
Health Education
Providing health education to our community.
Oral Health
Educates on the importance of flossing, brushing, dental wipes, proper nutrition, tobacco cessation, and oral piercing.
STD Testing
Every county health department provides STD testing daily; however, appointments may be needed.
Opioid Prevention
The nationwide opioid epidemic started in the 1990s with increased opioid prescribing and opioid overdose deaths.
Adult Health And Infectious Disease Services
Our Adult Health Program and Infectious Disease services are focused on preventing, controlling and treating infectious diseases. From STD checks to foodborne illnesses, HIV treatment and much more, these programs are here to ensure all Georgian’s stay healthy through the prevention of infectious diseases.
Adult Health Promotion Clinic
South Health District’s HIV Program provides comprehensive outpatient primary care (including nutritional services and oral health) and case management to persons with HIV/AIDS through our Adult Health Promotion.
Disease Control & Prevention
Reporting notifiable conditions enabling appropriate public health follow-up, identifying outbreaks, and providing a better understanding of disease trends.
HIV Prevention Program
Providing comprehensive outpatient primary care and case management to persons with HIV/AIDS.
Housing Program
HOPWA provides funds for emergency short-term assistance to families and individuals in crisis that have been affected by or infected with HIV.
Infectious Disease Program
The Infectious Disease (ID) Program provides follow-up for individuals who have a communicable disease such as tuberculosis, meningitis, hepatitis, or one of many other communicable diseases.
Tuberculosis (TB) Program
The mission of the Georgia Tuberculosis (TB) Program is to control transmission, prevent illness and ensure treatment of disease due to TB.