Georgia’s medical cannabis law allows qualified individuals to legally possess up to 20 fluid ounces of “low THC oil” (which is derived from the cannabis plant) within the State of Georgia.
The Georgia Department of Public Health manages a Low THC Oil Registry to provide qualified Georgia patients and their caregivers with a personalized Low THC Oil identification card.
South Health District does not provide physicians to complete the low THC oil application, write prescriptions, or provide low THC oil.
Low THC Oil Registry cards are approved and printed by the Georgia Department of Public Health at the State Office. Once the cards are processed, Georgia patients and/or caregivers will be contacted so they can pick up their card at the Lowndes, Tift, and Turner County Health Departments. The fee for the Low THC Oil Registry cards is $25. These identification cards are required for purchasing low THC oil from a licensed dispensary. Click here to view licensed dispensaries in Georgia.
I’m interested in learning more or applying for a Low THC Oil Registry Card.
There is much more information on the website of the Georgia Department of Public Health about who qualifies for the Low THC Oil Registry, how to apply, and how to get your card once approved. Click the button below for more details.