Tag: Baby LUV
Alcohol & Drug Cessation Baby LUV Seminar
Baby LUV Seminar
Postpartum Depression Baby LUV Seminar
Baby LUV Seminar
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Seminar
Baby LUV Seminar
Prematurity Baby LUV Seminar
Baby LUV seminar on prematurity at Lowndes County Health Department.
Hypertension & Diabetes Baby LUV Seminar
Baby LUV seminar on hypertension and diabetes.
Self-Esteem & Stress Seminar
Come hear tips on self-esteem and stress at this Baby LUV seminar.
Lowndes County BOH Receives Healthcare Georgia Foundation Grant
The Lowndes County BOH was awarded a grant to continue working to improve birth outcomes among the “highest of the high risk” African American women in Lowndes County.
Real Fathers, Real Men
The Baby LUV program presents a seminar on “Real Fathers, Real Men” to men in our community for free. Those interested in participating should register by calling Annette Davis at 245-6559. There will be special activities for women and children during the presentation.