WIC Call Center: 1-888-388-2370
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program is a federally-funded health and nutrition program for:
- Infants and Children up to age 5 (including foster children)
- Pregnant Women
- Breastfeeding Mothers (up to 1 year)
- Postpartum Women (up to 6 months)
WIC is available to:
- low income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women
- low income parent or guardian who is the sole provider of children under age five who are at nutritional risk and who are at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level
WIC provides:
- Special benefits to buy healthy foods from WIC-authorized vendors – milk, eggs, bread, cereal, juice, peanut butter, and much more
- Information about nutrition and health to help you and your family eat well and be healthy
- Support and information about breastfeeding your baby
- Help in finding health care and other community services
WIC services are available to everyone regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, political belief, disability or sex.
WIC is available at all county health departments in the South Health District and Moody Air Force Base. For more information or to make an appointment, call the WIC Call Center at 1-888-388-2370.
To find out if you are potentially eligible to receive WIC benefits, complete the WIC PreScreening Tool.
This PreScreening Tool is not an application for WIC benefits.
To have a member of our staff contact you to help you apply for WIC benefits visit https://southhealthdistrict.com/WICapply
Holly L. Rountree, RD, LD,
Nutrition Services Director
WIC Call Center: 1-888-388-2370
Moody WIC Clinic
8 am – 5 pm
WIC Nondiscrimination Statement 2022
Aviso de No Discriminación 2022