1st Care

1st Care Program was created to ensure that every newborn in Georgia, particularly those at risk of physically, developmentally, neurologically and/or socially, has access to an informed public health nurse who can assess, plan intervention and when necessary, refer in order to minimize or prevent illness or handicap in the first year of life.

Our objective is to strengthen the coordination of services between hospitals, primary care providers and public health centers by offering health maintenance for infants at home.

Through home visiting, 1st Care provides:

  • Education – baby safety, car seat use, SIDS risk reduction, growth and development expectation, and newborn care.
  • Resources – link to other services as needed, assist parent/guardian to locate other sources for supplies and equipment needed.
  • Support – available for questions, assists parent/guardian to find answers to questions.
  • Liaison – acts as liaison for pediatrician’s offices.

Contact Information:

Local – 229-293-6286
Long Distance – 800-316-8044
State of Georgia 1st Care – http://dph.georgia.gov/children-first