Family Planning provides services and related preventive health care to improve the health of women and to enable families to plan and space their children. While the target population for the program is low-income or uninsured individuals, the program serves all who want and need services. The services provided to FP clients will depend on the type of visit and the nature of the service requested.
Services provided under the FP Program include:
- Comprehensive assessment including history and physical examination for women
- Counseling on risks and benefits of contraceptive methods
- Laboratory tests as needed such as, Pap smear, hemoglobin and STD testing
- Evaluation and management of sexually transmitted diseases and common gynecological problems
- Pregnancy testing and counseling
- Abstinence and pregnancy postponement counseling
- Pre-conceptual counseling
- Tobacco cessation counseling
- Violence and sexual abuse counseling
- Wide variety of birth control methods, including Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) such as Nexplanon and IUDs.
Planning for Healthy Babies (P4HB)
Provides no cost family planning services to eligible women in Georgia.
- Women ages 18-44 who meet monthly family income limits
- Women who do not receive Medicaid
For more information about Family Planning services, Planning for Healthy Babies, or to make an appointment, contact your local health department. Contact information can be found by here and selecting your local health department.