Donna Cornelius
When Donna Cornelius came into Berrien County Health Department, she never expected to receive the news that she had cervical cancer.

Rep. Dexter Sharper
Representative Dexter Sharper has been utilizing the local health department for his entire life and encourages others to do the same.

Victoria Gonzalez
When Victoria Gonzalez came to Tifton for college she chose the Tift County Health Department to receive her family planning services and now recommends it to anyone who is in need.

Breanna Gonzalez
Breanna Gonzalez grew up going to the health department in Valdosta, but it wasn’t until she was a little older that she learned just how much the health department would touch her life.

Troy Harbin
Troy Harbin’s life has completely changed for the better, and he credits that to the Lowndes County Health Department Diabetes and Hypertension programs.

Answa Newsome
Answa Newsome understands first hand of how important being aware of your health status can be, and she is extremely thankful to Cook County Health Department for helping her stay aware even when she didn’t have health insurance.

Rah-Sheedah Kates
Rah-Sheedah Kates has been going to the health department since she was a child and proudly continues as an adult.

Peggy Browning
Peggy Browning was born and raised in Lanier County and can’t praise the Lanier County Health Department highly enough.

Ashley Jones
Ashley Jones came into public health through the Women, Infants and Children program and now that her daughter is older continues to utilize the family planning program.

Victor Jones
Victor Jones is taking the steps to catch up on his immunizations and he would recommend anyone who needs vaccines visit the Irwin County Health Department.

Ila Jean Sirmans
Ila Jean Sirmans has lived in Echols County for nearly 40 years and has utilized the health department there for a long time.