Baby LUV/PAT Healthy Start Provides SGMC Health With Safe Sleep Essentials for New Parents

VALDOSTA – Ensuring the well-being of our tiniest community members starts with safe sleep practices and the South Health District’s Baby LUV/PAT Healthy Start Program has partnered with SGMC Health to further that goal.

On Thursday, March 7, Tiffany Crowell, Director of the Baby LUV/PAT Healthy Start Program delivered safe sleep supplies to SGMC Health’s Labor and Delivery team. Items that were donated included fitted sheets, safe sleep onesies and floor signs that provide education on safe sleep practices.

By working with local partners, Baby LUV/PAT Healthy Start hopes to provide families with the knowledge and resources needed to prioritize safe sleep practices.

“This collaboration underscores South Health District’s dedication to creating a safer environment for infants and reducing the incidence of infant deaths in the community,” said Dr. Mark Eanes, District Health Director. “Over the past four years there have been 16 sleep related deaths in Lowndes County according to the Lowndes County Child Fatality Committee. We want to do everything in our power to bring that number down to zero.”

The fitted crib sheets and onesies follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ standards, helping to ensure infants are in a safe sleep environment. The floor signs feature the ABCs of Safe Sleep, which serves as a visual reminder of the importance of following the ABCs of Safe Sleep every time you put an infant to bed.

The ABCs of Safe Sleep explains that babies should sleep alone, on their back in a crib:

  • Alone: Babies should always sleep alone in their own sleep space, such as a crib or bassinet. Avoid co-sleeping with the baby in the same bed or on a sofa or armchair.
  • Back: Always place your baby on their back to sleep. This sleep position has been proven to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Crib: Use a firm and flat mattress in a safety-approved crib or bassinet. Remove soft bedding, toys, and loose items from the sleep area to prevent suffocation hazards.

“Our focus is on protecting mothers and babies. One essential aspect of that is educating families about safe sleep practices,” explained Crowell. “Partnerships with local organizations like SGMC Health is a critical part of making sure that education is provided from day one. Our hope is that these items will help ensure that every caregiver has the knowledge and resources to create a safe sleep environment for their precious little ones.”